تصاویر به‌جامانده از ماسک‌های بحران آنفولانزای قرن پیش

کدخبر: ۳۵۰۰۲۶
اقتصادنیوز؛ در سراسر جهان برای مقابله با تهدید کووید۱۹ پوشیدن ماسک به شدت توصیه شده و در بسیاری از مکان‌ها الزامی است. یک قرن پیش، نوعی آنفولانزا به سرعت در سراسر جهان گسترش یافت، و در ۱۵ ماه بیش از 50 میلیون کشته -و احتمالا به اندازه 100 میلیون نفر- برجای گذاشت. مقیاس و تاثیر و طبیعت این بیماری در آن زمان بسیار متفاوت از پاندمی امروز است، اما در عمل آن زمان نیز از پوشاندن چهره و کاورها برای جلوگیری از سرایت به طور گسترده ای به تصویب رسید. در حالی که برخی از ماسک‌های ساخته شده از جنس نامناسب بودند و یا به درستی استفاده نمی‌شدند. در زیر، مجموعه ای از تصاویر یک قرن پیش که مردم بهترین روش خود را برای ایمن نگه داشتن خود و دیگران از سرایت آنفولانزا انجام می‌دادند ببینید. (منبع: نشریه آتلانتیک)
تصاویر به‌جامانده از ماسک‌های بحران آنفولانزای قرن پیش

* منبع اصلی و توضیحات مربوطه هر تصویر در پایین آن به زبان انگلیسی آمده است.

  • Nurses in Boston hospitals, equipped to fight influenza #

    National Archives
  • Two men wearing and advocating the use of flu masks in Paris, France. The signs translate roughly as: "The [Germans] are defeated, yes, but the flu is not" and "Mask yourself and mask each other. Try it, you'll like it." #

    Topical Press Agency / Getty
  • Baseball players wear masks to prevent the spread of infection during the influenza epidemic of 1918. #

    Underwood And Underwood / The LIFE Images Collection via Getty
  • Nurses leaving Blackfriars Depot, Chippendale NSW, Australia, during the flu epidemic, in April of 1919. #

    NSW State Archives / Tara Majoor
  • Volunteers wear masks while feeding children of stricken families. #

    Bettmann Archive / Getty
  • Left: A letter carrier in New York City, October, 1918. Right: Thousands of these masks were distributed by policemen to all police stations, to be used whenever duty called in New York City. #

    National Archives
  • To prevent as much as possible the spread of influenza, Cincinnati barbers wore masks. Barbers all over the country took this precaution. #

    National Archives
  • Japanese school girls wear protective masks to guard against the influenza outbreak. #

    Bettmann Archive / Getty
  • Members of the Student Army Training Corps wear influenza masks in Portland, Oregon, on October 27, 1918. #

    National Archives
  • Left: A conductor checks to see if potential passengers are wearing masks in Seattle, Washington. During the influenza epidemic, masks were required for all passengers. Right: A worker wears a mask to prevent the spread of influenza. The New York Health Board admonished citizens to wear masks to check the spread of the influenza epidemic: "Better ridiculous than dead," was the view of one official. #

    Library of Congress via AP, National Archives, Library of Congress / The Crowley Company / AP
  • OA telephone operator with protective gauze in 1918 #

    Bettmann Archive / Getty
  • Women at work in Red Cross rooms in Seattle, Washington, with influenza masks on #

    National Archives
  • Policemen in Seattle, Washington, wear masks made by the Seattle Chapter of the Red Cross. #

    National Archives
  • Corpsmen in caps and gowns are ready to attend patients in the influenza ward of a U.S. Navy hospital, in Mare Island, California, on December 10, 1918. #

    U.S. Navy
  • New York City conductorettes wear masks, on October 16, 1918. #

    National Archives
  • An open-air barber shop serves customers during the epidemic at the University of California, Berkeley, 1919. #

    National Archives
  • In this November 1918 photo, a nurse takes the pulse of a patient in the influenza ward of the Walter Reed hospital in Washington, D.C. #

    Harris & Ewing / Library of Congress via AP
  • Red Cross Motor Corps on duty in St. Louis, Missouri, October 1918 #

    National Archives
  • Patients at a moving-picture show wear masks in Royat, France. #

    U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • A sailor and a member of the Women's Motor Corps wear masks while treating influenza patients injured by the explosions of a coal loading plant at Morgan, New Jersey, on October 5, 1918. #

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